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Photo of Rosa Maria Barrios Hernandez Cuba

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Mara Rosa Barrios Hernandez Personal Information: - plastic self-taught artist, music and literature. - Student's degree in Socio-Cultural Studies at the University of Havana. Bachelor's degree. Inglsy a language course Italian language practices. In addition, he has completed a postgraduate Copyright at the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) and a course in the year 2005 of Cuban Poetry sponsored by the Foundation Colony Guilln Nicols of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC). A member...
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Mara Rosa Barrios Hernandez Personal Information: - plastic self-taught artist, music and literature. - Student's degree in Socio-Cultural Studies at the University of Havana. Bachelor's degree. Inglsy a language course Italian language practices. In addition, he has completed a postgraduate Copyright at the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA) and a course in the year 2005 of Cuban Poetry sponsored by the Foundation Colony Guilln Nicols of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC). A member of the Cuban Association of music copyrights (ACDAM) and has shared work in General Society of Authors of Spain (SGAE) in which it has opened a Web page with some of his plastic and literary. - Nationality: Cuban. - Age 32 years. - Place of birth: Marianao, Havana, Cuba. - Directorate Home: Ave 25 No. 4617 between 46 and 48, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Telephone: 203-3490. E-mail: rosibar@correodecuba.cu Awards received in the field of music and literature: - 1998, finalist Habanera La Habanera Havana with the work of the Soul. Sponsored by Adolfo Guzman artistic enterprise. - 2002, 3rd place alcanzel First Musical Composition Contest Master Flix Guerrero, sponsored by Project Open Luneta and Culture City Beach with the work I need to feel. - 2004, the second edition of the Competition Flix Guerrero won the Special Jury Mention the work Entrate Love - 2007, earned premium of the 23 edition of the International Poetry Contest Nosside, Calabra held in Italy. Works made in the field of music: - 2005, the author grabde boleros CD're tla Magic radindose model of which is nationally and internationally. - 2006, grabde its author salsa music CD out of my life, whose model is radindose is nationally and internationally. - 2007 involved in the proposed Copper Habanera CD co-authored the Habanera genre, which is nationally and internationally estradiol. Exhibitions: - 1994, Casa Teatro Studio, City Plaza and Color Variaciny exhibition, gallery Footprints in Ciudad Escolar Libertad, Mariano. - 1996, Reunions exhibition, gallery Jose. Daz Pelez, San Alejandro School of Marianao. - 1997, XX Aos exhibition is not nothing, galley Emir Abdel Kader of the Arab Union of Cuba in downtown Havana. - 1998, exhibition is the Feast of Fairies gallery Jos A. Pelez de San Alejandro Daz, Mariano. Develndose a plaque for XX years of foundation Manero Workshop. - 1999 Paradise in all exhibition, gallery image of the Grand Theater of Havana. Today Exhibition Celebrates Frida gallery Big Dreams Kahlo, Casa de la Cultura in downtown Havana. - Exhibition in Havana in Body and Soul Gallery of Matanzas. - 2004, traveling exhibition Aquesta New York by the universities of New York, Yeti Project. Literary Works: - 2001, Discovery Tree, a book of poetry in verse. - 2002 Total number I Potica Prose, poetry book of poetic prose. Canario notebook, written in verse and prose. - 2004, Sparks, a book of poetic prose poetry. Experience: - 1992-1999, is linked to the collective workshop plastic Manero, an institution founded in 1978, which is defined as a community project. - 1999, bezel founder of the Community Project Open beach cruisers, inserted Beach City of Culture. Reaching in the year 2004, the Community Culture Award Provincial. Objectives: Transcending to work through my time trying to be helpful for future generations. Currently: - building is maintained in the three artistic manifestations, the plastic, music and literature. - You are taking courses on the Cuban Culture and Style Redacciny Computacin of everyone in the Parish Center of San Agustin, Playa. - The upcoming year 2008, will receive the International Book Fair in Havana, the award given the competition in Italy where Cuba Nosside logrel third place passes.

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Bear in mind we are dealing with works of art, so they may be in an exhibition (actually, this is awesome!). Those artworks which are in an exhibition are usually displayed as “non-available”. In case the artwork has been put up for sale, take into account the artist would have to manage with the organization of the exhibition the return of the artwork in order to be able to realize the shipment.

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